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Yesterday, The Treasury Department announced  that the employer mandate that required shared responsibility payments has been delayed until 2015. Originally scheduled to begin next year, the Department also announced that the employer reporting requirements, that would have applied to the coverage provided to their employees, has also been pushed back a year. The official Treasury […]

Generic drugs continue to save consumers and healthcare plan sponsors huge dollars when looking at total pharmacy spending. At WBC ( we help plan sponsors create the kinds of Rx plan designs that dramatically increases their generic utilization.  During 2011, the use of generic prescription drugs saved $192 billion when compared to their utilization in […]

The Supreme Court certainly knows how to throw a party! It just depends on which Party you favor! Democrat or Republican, there was plenty of mischief that could be made from yesterday’s news-breaking decision on the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) otherwise referred to as Obamacare and its impact on healthcare reform.   At WBC ( […]