
2016 will be a crazy year for PBMs and plan sponsors of pharmacy benefit programs. The cast of characters continues to shrink through market consolidation, and most analysts believe that the trend will continue. At Wilkinson Benefit Consultants (wbcbaltimore.com), we’ve listened to plan sponsors raise the questions of “Where do we turn?” and “How can […]

As 2015 comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on events that have occurred throughout the year that continue to impact our healthcare system in America.  Nothing can compare to the consequences on medical and prescription drug costs as does the Affordable Care Act. Healthcare reform has never been in greater need of help! […]

By now most prescription drug plan sponsors have seen the growing impact of specialty drugs on their health plan’s benefit budget.  Reducing prescription drug costs requires a strategic and tactical plan to tackle the problem. Specialty drugs continue to blow the roof off of prescription drug cost trend estimates.  2014 saw specialty trends at 27% […]