Tag Archives: AWP Settlement

Here we are approaching the one-year anniversary (September 26, 2010) of the effective date of the McKesson AWP settlement, and unfortunately, little has changed.  At WBC (wbcbaltimore.com) we have followed this case from the get-go, through negotiation and settlement. We have helped our clients with their direct participation in the class action settlement, as well as active involvement […]

Finally, September 26th has come and gone, the effective date of the new AWP settlement changes. Your PBM is still processing claims.  Members are still having their drug cards honored at the  pharmacy counter and if you are a drug benefit plan sponsor, you’ll be receiving adjusted invoices to reflect this momentous event.  The problem […]

The First DataBank/Medispan/McKesson litigation settlement is finally coming home to roost. The impact begins with the scheduled change in Average Wholesale Price (“AWP”) benchmarks occurring on September 26, 2009. For prescription drug plan sponsors, it presents a potential opportunity to sit down with your PBM and renegotiate your cost structure (www.wbcbaltimore.com). Of course, that’s the […]