Tag Archives: Reducing Pharmacy Benefit Costs

President Trump on Friday released what he calls “a blueprint to bring soaring drug prices back to earth,” as he attempts to reduce the cost of prescription drugs. Additionally, the president has said “This is a total rip-off!”  Powerful rhetoric and not overly insightful, but will it work? According to the administration, the new Trump […]

As if these dire warnings should come as any surprise, insurers who are providing health insurance coverage in the public exchanges are sounding the alarm! WARNING: LOSSES UNDER OBAMACARE ARE UNSUSTAINABLE! Really? How could there be any other outcome? A completely overblown healthcare “crisis” was addressed through mandated coverage that had to be over-priced in […]

By now most prescription drug plan sponsors have seen the growing impact of specialty drugs on their health plan’s benefit budget.  Reducing prescription drug costs requires a strategic and tactical plan to tackle the problem. Specialty drugs continue to blow the roof off of prescription drug cost trend estimates.  2014 saw specialty trends at 27% […]