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Decisions decisions! Benefit managers and prescription benefit plan sponsors face the challenging balancing act of getting more members to take their medications while controlling their health plan costs. The logic appears intuitive: the more members stay compliant with their drug regimens, the fewer emergency room visits and in-patient hospitalizations.  Studies have shown that 25% of prescriptions go […]

Never let it be said that Walmart doesn’t know marketing. In the aftermath of the CVS/Caremark/Walgreens turf battle, where the question of adequate member access was raised (Networked),  Walmart jumps right back into the frey and releases their low-price network option.  They are referring to it as *Access Based Network Design* and are touting it […]

Round Two (or  is that Round Three)  of the CVS vs. Walgreens knockdown has gotten folks attention. Walgreens came out swinging, both fighters felt each other out, and CVS counter punched with the announcement that, rather than wait for contract renewals to have Walgreens leave the Caremark network, they will take a proactive stance and end the […]